Product Description
Compilation of Simaro Massiya Lutumba Ndomanueno (1938-2019), a Congolese rhythm guitarist, songwriter and bandleader. He was a member of TPOK Jazz, the leading group in the Democratic Republic of Congo from the 1960s-80s.
1. Mabele (Ntoto) 11:30
2. Ebale Ya Zaire 5:37
3. Minuit Eleki Lezi 7:28
4. Cedou 7:19
5. Inoussa 5:26
6. Mahélé 6:02
7. Fifi Nazali Innocent 6:02
8. Marie Souza 5:30
9. Jerome 6:21
10. Gege Yoka 4:50
11. Decision 6:05
12. Regine Regine