Western Artists, SHM-CD, HQ-CD, BLU-SPEC

SHM-CD (Super High Material Compact Disc) is a high quality compact disc developed in Japan, that uses polycarbonate resin, used on LCD panels, as a coating on the CD. The sound quality is improved as it gives a more accurate laser reading of the 'pits' on the CD. We can order any available SHM-CD. Click here to select jazz or rock.

HiQuality CD uses polycarbonate plastic with greater transparency to achieve a higher quality audio. A special alloy is used as the material on the reflective layer of the CD instead of the aluminium. We can order any available HQ-CD. For now, here is a small selection of jazz releases.

Blu-spec CDs are the audio equivalent of the improved Blu-ray DVD, that is manufactured by Sony to the highest technical standards. A blue laser is used for recording the pits on the CD instead of an infra-red laser. The blue laser creates more precise pits resulting in less distortion.