New album and first for four years from Kansai's finest Soul Flower Union. Sticks fairly close to the tried and tested SFU formula of big production upbeat celtic tinged rock with political lyrics, apart from a couple of diversions into dub and a slightly stripped down sound. Lead vocalist Takashi Nakagawa also plays a bit of sanshin and bouzouki along with his electric guitar, to a basic bass, drums, keyboards accompaniment, with about 20 musicians adding more guitars, mandolin, electric sitar, banjo, clarinet, fiddle, trumpet, trombone, sax (latter three all from the excellent Black Bottom Brass Band) and just about the kitchen sink to create the swirling wall of sound that is Soul Flower Union. Overall, another gem to add to their already acclaimed discography. Comes with English translations of the lyrics.
1. Ground Zero 2. Fukyo Bangaichi (Savage Wilderness Eccentrics) 3. Chika-Tetsudo no Shonen (A Boy on the Underground Railroad) 4. Zankyo no Yokocho (The Reverberation Lane) 5. Sweet Wind of Marmalade 6. Mosareta Shisyu (The Burned Collection of Poems) 7. Upsetting Rhythm 8. Bacteria Rock 9. Fuku wa Uchi, Oni mo Uchi (In With Good Fortune, In With the Evils Too) 10. Marebito Kozorite (All the Strangers Gather) 11. Is This What Freedom is All About? 12. All You Need is Written on Your Body 13. Let's Dance! Don't Let Them Dance Us! 14. Sekai wa Omae wo Matteiru (The World is Still Waiting For You)