LEB's second album tackles larger themes than their debut, is slightly more sophisticated with a better variety of songs and sounds and hangs together brilliantly. It follows the life story of Ah-Cheng, from his life as a farmer in the village of Meinung, travelling along the artery road of the county, (the opening track "County Road 184") and his motorcycle journeys along it, ("My Old 125 cc Motorcycle"). He seeks his fortune in the city as an industrial worker and loses it during the subsequent bursting of the economic bubble. We learn of his alienation from the local marriage market and searching for a wife in southeast Asia (Ah-Cheng Goes to Southeast Asia) his first baby (Ah-Fen's Carrying a Baby) and return to his life as a farmer. Along the way, globalization, privatization of state owned enterprises, conditions of laborers, and the bankruptcy of agricultural villages are all tackled. It's in an epic story and an epic album. Gentle and simple but extremely powerful and uplifting, it features a variety of voices, mostly female sometimes in chorus and more instruments than before. And if you're wondering about that title. On returning to his village, with limited agricultural possibilities, Ah-Cheng grew chrysanthemums. At night, when he turned on sunlamps in the fields, he was reminded of the evening roll call of a night march.