Product Description
The music for the anime series Samurai Champloo from 2004, was produced by four musicians from the hip-hop scene, Shinji 'Tsutchie' Tsuchida or Shakkazombie, Fat Jon, Nujanes and Force of Nature. Originally released in 2004, Departure and features the opening theme Battlecry by Shingo02 and the ending theme Shiki no Uta by Minmi and has a lot of low tempo, soft tunes.
Side A
1. Battlecry / Nujabes feat.Shing02
2. The Space Between Two World / Nujabes
3. Aruarian dance / Nujabes
4. Transcendence / Nujabes
Side B
1. Mystline / Nujabes
2. 1st Samurai / Nujabes
3. Shiki no Uta / Minmi
Side A
1. Ole / Fat Jon
2. 624 Part2 / Fat Jon
3. Genome / Fat Jon
4. No Way Back / Fat Jon
5. Funkin' / Fat Jon
Side B
1. Stay / Fat Jon
2. Chambers / Fat Jon
3. Ask / Fat Jon
4. How you Feel / Fat Jon
5. 624 Part1 / Fat Jon