The thing that makes Okinawan music so fantastic, is it's always been a living, developing tradition, mixing the tradition with whatever is happening at the time. This amazing CD highlights the shimauta champloo (mix) of Okinawan with western music in the 60's and 70's. Tracks include 'Go Go Chimbora', 'Bossa Nova Jintoyo' 'Rhythm Tancha' 'Shirahama Blues' by artists including Yara Family, the Hoptones, Four Sisters and Aiko Yohen.Fascinating, brilliant.
1.Yara Families / Shirahama Blues
2. Yara Families with Folk Special / Go Go Chimbooraa
3. Yara Families / Umi Yakaraa
4. Hop Tones / Uruma Jima
5. Hop Tones / Hey Nisaitaa
6. Katsuo Takayasu / Mura Hajishi
7. Marufuku Shinka / Rhythm Tancha
8. Tatsuko Toyama / Shima Yakaraa
9. Aiko Yohen / Nantahama
10. Teihan China, Mitsuko Kamita with Koji Nakamoto & Metro Shinka
11. Tatsuko Toyama / Hankakezuki
12. Four Sisters / Keibin Tetsudo Bushi
13. Four Sisters / Shimamusume
14. Yara Families with Folk Special / Bossa Nova Jintoyo
15. Tsutomu Nakamoto & Shaagaru Gakudan / Tokyo no Balad