No celebration in Okinawa would be complete without a performance of dance tunes called kachashi. Kachashi is an integral part of Okinawan people's lives. The most distinctive feature of the music is lightning fast sanshin (banjo) playing, accompanied by Okinawan drums, castanets and whistling. The lyrics can be improvised, but more usually are written down. The songs usually consist of short musical phrases which are continually repeated building up to a frenzied climax. Dancers fling their upraised arms and twist their hands, in a distinctive Okinawan way, with echoes of southeast Asian dances from Bali orThailand.Kachashi originates in the mo-ashibi revelries of pre-war Okinawa village and beach parties.This album features the most well known kachashi songs.Toru Yonaha is a young musician, and a wonderful interpreter of traditional minyo. The concept, production and choice of supporting musicians are all his.The songs are arranged in an orthodox style, yet sound fresh and dynamic in the hands of the youthful Yonaha and his supporting cast, which includes Mika Uchizato, who sang with US/UK duo Ryukyu Underground.The eleven tracks on this album are some of the most famous kachashi tunes, ending with the classic 'Toshin Doi' featuring eight vocalists. 11 tracks. 1. Honen Ondo 2. Kadeku 3. Chatanmae - Ikei Hanari Bushi 4. Chatan Maikata - Acchamee Guwa 5. Takohyama
6. Harikuyamaku 7. Umi nu Chimboura 8. Okinawa Samba 9. Maeda Bushi - Safuen Bushi - Inesuri Bushi
10. Asobi Amakawa 11. Toshin Doi